Tēnā Koutou Katoa,
Please see attached the pānui for the 2022 Pūkahakaha East 5B Trust Annual General Meeting (AGM). The pānui was published in the Northern Advocate on 04 February and on 11 February 2023.
The AGM is being held at Terenga Parāoa Marae, Porowini Avenue, Whangārei, on Saturday 25 February 2023 commencing at 11am.
Already registered as a beneficial owner with Pūkahakaha East 5B Trust? - You are eligible to stand as a nominee, to nominate, and to vote at the AGM. - Take the time to ensure your contact details are accurate and up-to-date.
Encourage whānau aged 18yrs and over to register independently as a beneficial owner with Pūkahakaha East 5B Trust.
A link to the online registration form is available here: https://www.pukahakahaeast5btrust.co.nz/login-and-sign-up...
Encourage whānau who are not registered as a beneficial owner and who plan on attending the meeting in person, to ensure they complete a registration form at the AGM. A registration desk will be onsite, opening at 9.00am and closing at 10.30am on the day.
For whānau attending the meeting via Zoom, online registrations are open now, and will close at 5pm on Thursday 23 February 2023. A link to the Zoom registration is here: https://us06web.zoom.us/.../reg.../WN_hSG0UqwDQ7CEI2am2WSWbg
Please note: - Only registered beneficial owners with Pūkahakaha East 5B Trust will be able to fully participate via Zoom. - Unregistered attendees will be view-only online participants.
A copy of the Annual Report 2022 will be distributed at the AGM and available for viewing on the Pūkahakaha East 5B Trust website from Monday 27 February 2023. Please follow this link: www.pukahakahaeast5btrust.co.nz
For all enquiries please contact: admin@pukahakahaeast5btrust.co.nz