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2022 AGM

Congratulations to the following Kaitiaki who have accepted the wero to be our newly appointed Hapū Iwi Trustees for the next 3 years:

  • Pereri Mahanga

  • Arvay Armstrong-Read

  • Taite Raniera

  • Langdon Bradley

  • Michelle Beattie

  • Donnella Phillips

  • Ebonii Shortland

  • Edith Davis-Sigley

  • Monique Mehana

We were blessed with a full whare for the AGM and encourage all our whānau, hapū and community to tautoko our new Kaitiaki in their positions.

Although our governance team is strong, fresh, and has a wide range of skills and experience, they can’t do everything by themselves. If you are interested in supporting the trustees and want to contribute to the mahi of the hapū trust, please get in touch:

Ngā mihi nui to all our past Trustees who held these seats and put in the time, energy, skills and commitment to doing the mahi for the people and the whenua.


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